Hello! I’m Ally, an artist that loves illustration and murals.

I grew up in the woods—there was a small stretch of forest in our backyard where my brother and I always chose to play. We discovered little magical worlds out there and those worlds have stayed with me through the years, giving me a place of joy to retreat back to in my mind. For me, those woods were a place of creation and exploration. All of my favorite pieces to create center around recreating the magical worlds where animals have whimsical personalities, plants grow in rich technicolor, and anything you can imagine is possible. I am eternally in awe of the limitless imagination of children and aim to bring that sense of wild imagination that 10 year old me had into what I create now.

I earned my Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in 2016 and enjoyed a brief stint of working at a design agency, a coffee shop, and a behavior analysis clinic before I started listening to what my heart was telling me - you should be painting and drawing. In 2020, I used the lockdown as an excuse to quit my job and spend my newfound limitless time to draw. While I have been drawing my whole life, I consider this the start of my professional career.

My recent artwork has been largely focused on both public and private murals, as this large-scale painting feels like such a natural fit to bring audiences right into the magical worlds I create with my bright pastel color palettes, bold lettering, and colorful characters. I fell in love with the way a mural can encapsulate one’s vision, transporting them into another world. I have painted over 25 murals throughout central Iowa and cannot wait to keep covering Iowa and beyond in whimsy.

Fast facts:

  • You can almost always find me drawing under a blanket with a hot beverage nearby.

  • I am an Enneagram 9, INFJ, Libra sun, Scorpio moon, and Aquarius rising.

  • I’m secretly working on my own graphic novel and am so excited to start sharing it with the world.

  • I am learning Italian so that I can retire there and eat fresh mozzarella every day.

  • I think dogs are the greatest thing to grace our planet.


DSM Cityview

Des Moines Partnership

Times Republican

Grinnell College News

Get in touch

I am currently taking on illustration & mural commissions and would love to hear about your project.

Drop me a line here

For commercial mural and illustrations, please fill out my New Project Request form!